The Scott Haug Foundation is pleased to announce the 2020 Outstanding Texas Audiologist Award Winner – Dr. Kim Cathcart Ringer!!!
Kim is beloved by audiologists around the whole state of Texas. She is a true professional and extremely dedicated to excellence in the field of Audiology. She is approachable, knowledgeable, and a true friend to many! Kim has served on the Scott Haug Board of Directors and continues to serve on the Texas Academy of Audiology Board of Directors. Dr. Ringer has worked as an audiologist with Oticon for over 30 years!!
For more than thirty years, Kim and her helping personality has been a force for good in all things audiology. Kim is a catalyst continually networking people together; her efforts to help people make connections with each other filters down to better quality care for all of our patients. She is continually making connections happen for the practice of audiology and the better good of the profession. She is service oriented in all she does, whether serving in her position as a manufacturer’s representative or helping our students and interns, offering her extensive experience to help other audiologists problem solve. Thanks to Kim’s dedication and management, the Austin Audiology Society is a cohesive group with members working to help each other and the community.
Here is what her colleagues had to say about her:
Knowing Kim is a privilege and I consider her to be more than outstanding in this field. -Dr. Billie B. Swift, Audiologist
Kim has been a pillar in the audiology community for over 30 years. The vast majority of Texas audiologists have known Kim as she has worked to help our audiology community become stronger and smarter. She has been a leader in our state organizations and and educator to students and established audiologists in many different practice environments. She deserves recognition for her dedicated work. -Mary Sue Harrison, Au.D.
Congratulations, Dr. Ringer!! You are the Scott Haug Foundation Outstanding Texas Audiologist for 2020!