Congratulations to Amy Winkler from the University of Texas who is the winner of the Dr. Robert J. Dunlop Student Scholar Award. She received $500 from the Creig Dunckel Memorial Fund. Amy’s professors state that she has “acquired the full complement of audiological skills through a wide range of clinical practice, including Seton Children’s ENT, Austin Independent School District, Austin Regional Clinic, Estes Audiology, and Dell Children’s Medical Center” and that her “understanding of the full breadth of audiology content is excellent.” Amy intends to become an educational audiologist after she graduates with the goal of improving classroom acoustics and thus enhance speech clarity and limit background noise that will facilitate speech perception, student behavior, and educational outcomes.
Congratulations also go out to the following students who were nominated by their professors. All of these nominees received glowing recommendations from their professors. They have all excelled in the classroom as well as clinically. Each of these nominees received a $250 award from the Creig Dunckel Memorial fund:
Christina Campbell from the University of Texas, Dallas.
Morgan Moss from Lamar University.
Joshua Caldwell from the University of North Texas.